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Miscellaneous Artwork

And Again That Blasted "M" Word...

More tutorial nonsense (see below). A segmented cable, or some such. Created using Photoshop 7. Completed 2004. New!Almost Looks Slimey...
New!It's Me With More Style! The full-sized original for my deviantArt ID. Yes, I'm on deviantArt. Go check it out! Make comments! I'm a comments whore! Drawn in pencil, scanned, colored in PaintShop Pro 7, because it's a smaller program and takes up less memory than Photoshop, and the style is really too simple to load up that monster art program. Completed 2004.
No masterpiece this! Just a random bit I did while running through a Photoshop tutorial I found on the web (the picture is entirely mine, though). Completed 2004. New!Glowie ball...
Not Dawn Inks of a random scribble from my sketchbooks. I did not intend this chick to look like Dawn, and it didn't hit me that she did until a shipmate pointed it out. "She looks like Dawn!" "She's not well drawn enough to be Dawn." "No. Her bodacious ta-tas are just not bodacious enough to be Dawn." Men. I am flattered by the comparison, though. Completed 2001, sketched and inked by hand.
This was originally a photo of a former shipmate of mine, done at her request. A heavily, heavily edited photo. I put a terrible amount of time in this, so I figure I'm now justified in putting it up in my own artwork section. Picture posted with my friend's permission, name with held by request. Completed 2001. Program used for editing was Paintshop Pro 7. Just Don't Call Me 'Shipmate'.
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