Or Who Owns What
I own:
- All artwork, unless specifically stated otherwise.
- All photos posted in the Photo Gallery unless otherwise stated.
- The Merwench, at least the brown-haired glasses-wearing one.
- Azesh. This character belongs to me and me alone.
- The Merwench Happy Dance
- Tyrei and her mother (plus Gire and Uncle Elrys and that human chick)
- Weird musings, original fiction posted, and other writings, unless specifically stated otherwise.
I do not own, but use/reference with permission:
- Alexandra Nightshade. She is owned by Tracy Pierce.
- Patches the Cat. She is also owned by Tracy Pierce.
- Wisp the Pixie and Nightshade the raven. They are owned by Dendraica, aka Saba Li Anks. (I seem to be using a lot of Nightshades. Hrmm...)
- Mau. She is owned by Carri Tonn.
- The pictures of Tyrei and her mother used on the Breaking Out Of The White page and in the Breaking Out Of The White link banner. These were done by Jessica Sanders.
- The Adopt Starscream graphic is created by Wayward and based on The Transformers. I'm a little fuzzy on this one, but I certainly know I don't own it!
I use/reference without permission for nonprofit purposes:
- The actual subjects of the photos in the Photo Gallery. Yeah, I wish I owned Rome!
- Peter Pan, Tinkerbell, Captain Hook, or any of their likenesses. They are owned by the Ormond Street Children's Hospital in London, England.
- Fox's Peter Pan and the Pirates.
- The Transformers. They are owned by Hasbro.
- Ranma 1/2. He is owned by VIZ, LLC.
- Batman: The Animated Series. Batman is owned by DC Comics, I know. Warner Bros. created the Animated Series version.
- The Uncanny X-Men and Tyler Dayspring. These characters belong to Marvel Comics Group.
- The Transformers. They're owned by Hasbro. I do own a few electrical transformers, but that's another matter.
- Dawn. She is own by Robert Linsear.
- Star Wars. These movies are owned by Lucasfilm.
- Star Trek. These series/movies are owned by Paramount.
- Powers. This comic book is owned by Image.
- Narnia. This magical world is owned by C.S. Lewis Pte. Ltd.
- Discworld. This magical world is owned by Terry Pratchett.
- GURPS. This excellent RPG is owned by Steve Jackson Games.
- Mutants and Masterminds. This superhero RPG is owned by Green Ronin Publishing.
- d20. This Borg-like RPG is owned by Wizards of the Coast, Inc. ("Resistance is futile! You will be assimilated!")
- The Borg. This collective is owned by Paramount. Just so we're straight.
- Vampire: The Masquerade. This RPG I don't play, despite being female gamer, is owned by White Wolf.
- TOON. This RPG that I didn't play, but would have liked to, is owned by Steve Jackson Games.
- Jasc Paint Shop Pro and Jasc Animation Shop. The graphics programs I use to create all my pretty pictures and silly animations are owned by Jasc Software, Inc. (Well, I mean, I did buy my copy and all, but you know what I mean).
- Adobe Photoshop. This graphics program that is out of my price range is owned by Adobe Systems Incorporated.
Peter Hook is a bit of an enigma to me. Of course, both Peter Pan and Captain Hook are owned by the Ormond Street Children's Hospital, and Peter Hook is really just Peter Pan raised as a pirate by Captain Hook, but I don't know whether he still counts as Peter Pan or if he would be considered an original character. If he's original, he's owned by Enola Raven. If anyone has any corrections as to who owns what or cares to enlighten me about the copyright laws in general, please feel free to contact me to help me out.
And of course, everyone owns Mary Sue. She is a part of each and every one of us, hiding deep down in our souls. Like dog sh- (no, wait, that's 'soles'... lemmee figure this out...).
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