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Frequently Asked Questions

Even Once Is More Frequent Than Never!

I've only ever been asked two questions about my web pages (three if you count "What's your web address?" I'm assuming that anyone reading this has already figured it out), but I've decided to go ahead and create a FAQ for them anyway, just in case I ever get asked anything important.

That mermaid's supposed to be you, isn't it?

Yes, I am the Merwench! People I know in real life have even noticed the resemblance without me pointing it out! One of my friends commented, "Look, she's even got that *shwoop* thing going on with the hair," but another observed that I seem to lack the tail in real life.

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Does the mermaid on your homepage wink?

No. Unless you're my mother (my mother's first reaction when she saw the hand drawn original was to begin speaking with the sort of voice adults use for babies, "She's a cutie, yes she is! Look at that! You're winking at me, you cutie! Yes you are!" Uhm... sure, Mom).

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Your mermaid seems to be gaining weight in the newest Animergif, and how come her tail length flutuates?

Actually, the mermaid was supposed to be chubby all along, as she's my avatar and I'm chubby. I'm only now getting the weight right. I'm getting the tail length wrong, however, and I know it; the Animergifs are all drawn start to finish on the computer (rather than penciled and scanned in, like most of my stuff), and I'm doing this with a cheaper-model Wacom, so I'm having a hard time making things consistant. Besides that, the Animergifs are supposed to be fun little 'quickies', so consistancy and attention to detail aren't really high priorities with those things.

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What program do you use to make those Animergifs?

I use Jasc Animation Shop Pro, which came with my copy of Jasc Paint Shop Pro. Yeah... I'm too cheap for Adobe Photoshop. If anyone shows any interest, maybe one day I'll run through the step-by-step process I use, although really, the hardest part is drawing the individual frames (and I'm refining my technique all the time on that one... there are plenty of folks out there that are far better at this stuff than I). Once that's done, tossing them together in a single animated gif is pretty easy, and there are plenty of shareware-type programs out there that will do that part of the process for you.

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